Rachel’s journey to yoga started out as a physical practice. As a previous varsity athlete, yoga asana filled a void that kept her feeling fit, strong and mobile. However, through her own journey with mental health Rachel continued to be drawn to her mat in search of a feelings of peace, connection, stability and joy.
In 2018, Rachel completed her 200hr YTT in Ashtanga Yoga with Deborah Carruthers. Her love of learning led her to embark on another 200hr YTT in 2022 with Fiji McAlpine and Mary Prefontaine. Rachel has since taken a 20 hr Foundations of Restorative Yoga with Rebekka Walker and 50 hr Vinyasa Sequencing Intensive with Tara Heal.
Rachel has a MSc in Kinesiology and Gerontology and works at a Practicing Kinesiologist with clients who have injuries and chronic pain. Rachel is also a level 2 Reiki Practionner. Her new passion is hosting mini retreats and workshops with her crystal singing bowls.
When not on the mat, you can find Rachel hiking, paddle boarding and adventuring around Vancouver Island.