Travelling across time and space is like opening doors with mysteries waiting to be experienced.
Living in India for 16 days is familiar and filled with unexpected delights. Like Rumi’s poem, the
Guesthouse, I welcome it all. There can be no disappointments when you are fully open to
every experience as a teacher rather than a problem.
There is a feeling that permeates me when I am in India, slow-moving, empty mind, profoundly
relaxed and open-hearted. The affection among and between the people gives me a sense of
community and connection that is difficult to attain at home. There is little division among very
diverse peoples, from language, cuisine, and religion.
Acceptance is the anchor here in Kumily, Kerala, India. We were blessed to have the last
weekend in the hotel spent with Indians enjoying the Puja holiday. The friendliness,
conversation and interest in us was stimulating and heartwarming. An older woman from the
neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu and I locked eyes and communicated with affection and love,
despite the language barrier.
Saying goodbye to the staff and all of the connections is profoundly moving to me as tears flow
easily. I know that the kind of travel for me is being in one special place as a base and getting to
know the people and community.
The contrast to being a tourist in Singapore is noted, not with displeasure as we delight in
finding our way around, eating culinary delights and getting familiar with another country and
culture. Our last day here is busy with tourist adventures, a good night’s sleep and travelling
back in time to Canada.
With love,