Wellness Weekend with Deborah
As we move into fall/ winter, we are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses and influenza. This weekend will help you to experience wholeness and build immunity for the winter months. Restore, balance and take away knowledge that will help you master your daily living routines.
What we’ll cover:
- Intro to the science of Ayurveda
- Yoga
- Meditation + Mindfulness
- Breath techniques
- Building immunity basics
- Learn your Unique Ayurvedic Dosha
- Learn your unique Dosha Quiz
- Daily habits (Dinacharya) + The role of Dinacharya in creating a container for optimum health
- Design your own daily routines
- Eating+ habits for your Dosha
- And more!
If you’re looking to support your body this season with a truly wholeistic approach to health, this is the right workshop!
Led by Deborah Carruthers BA BSW MA CYA 500, Ayurvedic practitioner.